And here’s another shot from Mayday Hills. I do have other photos asides from ones taken at this location, you know. Just check out my portfolio!

This place really gave me the creeps. Nowhere else on the tour did as much as this location. I guess partly because there was a bed down there, all set up, and it looked like it had been slept in recently. One of my big fears when exploring places like this, is meeting someone inside, when you don’t know they’re there. Continue reading

Laundry at Mayday Hills, Beechworth

While touring Mayday Hills lunatic asylum in Beechworth, we came to this room, which is part of the laundry. On the wall were steam pipes that could dry clothing in three minutes flat. Some of the patients were assigned to do laundry, which could be a never ending job.

The door off to the left was also nailed shut. According to the guide, it was to stop people from breaking in (because honestly, who wouldn’t want to give themselves a self-guided tour?). They’d kicked down the door so many times, the owners finally nailed the door shut. It’d take a hell of a kick to get in after that.

For this shot I used my new Yongnuo YN560-IV which can be found on eBay for around $80. It’s different to my previous flash, the YN460, but still managed to light this large area perfectly — after I’d warned my wife and the tour guide to avert their eyes, because I had it set to full power.

As with other shots in the Mayday Hills series, this one was a single RAW file, edited in Lightroom using the John and Marcus Salvation LR preset with some tweaking.